Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Apple Official Firmwares [All in One] [iOS 7.0.4] [DOWNLOAD]

1.0.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_1.0_1A543a_Restore.ipsw
1.0.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_1.0.1_1C25_Restore.ipsw
1.0.2 (2G): iPhone1,1_1.0.2_1C28_Restore.ipsw
1.1.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_1.1.1_3A109a_Restore.ipsw
1.1.2 (2G): iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw
1.1.3 (2G): iPhone1,1_1.1.3_4A93_Restore.ipsw
1.1.4 (2G): iPhone1,1_1.1.4_4A102_Restore.ipsw
2.0.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw
2.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw
2.0.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw
2.0.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw
2.0.2 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.0.2_5C1_Restore.ipsw
2.0.2 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.0.2_5C1_Restore.ipsw
2.1.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw
2.1.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw
2.2.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw
2.2.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw
2.2.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.2.1_5H1_Restore.ipsw
2.2.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw
3.0.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw
3.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw
3.0.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw
3.0.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw
3.0.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw
3.0.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw
3.1.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.1_7C144_Restore.ipsw
3.1.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.1_7C144_Restore.ipsw
3.1.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.1_7C144_Restore.ipsw
3.1.2 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw
3.1.2 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw
3.1.2 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw
3.1.3 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw
3.1.3 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw
3.1.3 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw
4.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw
4.0.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw
4.0.0 (4): iPhone3,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw
4.0.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.0.1_8A306_Restore.ipsw
4.0.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.0.1_8A306_Restore.ipsw
4.0.1 (4): iPhone3,1_4.0.1_8A306_Restore.ipsw
4.0.2 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw
4.0.2 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw
4.0.2 (4): iPhone3,1_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw
4.1.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw
4.1.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw
4.1.0 (4): iPhone3,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw
4.2.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw
4.2.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.2.1_8C148a_Restore.ipsw
4.2.1 (4): iPhone3,1_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw
4.3.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw
4.3.0 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw
4.2.6 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_4.2.10_8E600_Restore.ipsw
4.3.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.3.1_8G4_Restore.ipsw
4.3.1 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.1_8G4_Restore.ipsw
4.2.7 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_4.2.7_8E303_Restore.ipsw
4.3.2 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.3.2_8H7_Restore.ipsw
4.3.2 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.2_8H7_Restore.ipsw
4.2.8 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_4.2.8_8E401_Restore.ipsw
4.3.3 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.3.3_8J2_Restore.ipsw
4.3.3 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.3_8J2_Restore.ipsw
4.2.9 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_4.2.9_8E501_Restore.ipsw
4.3.4 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.3.4_8K2_Restore.ipsw
4.3.4 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.4_8K2_Restore.ipsw
4.2.10 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_4.2.10_8E600_Restore.ipsw
4.3.5 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.3.5_8L1_Restore.ipsw
4.3.5 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.5_8L1_Restore.ipsw
5.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw
5.0 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw
5.0 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw
5.0 (4S): iPhone4,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw
5.0.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw
5.0.1 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw
5.0.1 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw
5.0.1 (4S): iPhone4,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw
5.0.1 (4S) [9A406]: iPhone4,1_5.0.1_9A406_Restore.ipsw
5.1.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_5.1_9B176_Restore.ipsw
5.1.0 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_5.1_9B176_Restore.ipsw
5.1.0 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_5.1_9B176_Restore.ipsw
5.1.0 (4S): iPhone4,1_5.1_9B179_Restore.ipsw
5.1.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_5.1.1_9B206_Restore.ipsw
5.1.1 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_5.1.1_9B206_Restore.ipsw
5.1.1 (4 GSM) [9B208]: iPhone3,1_5.1.1_9B208_Restore.ipsw
5.1.1 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_5.1.1_9B206_Restore.ipsw
5.1.1 (4S): iPhone4,1_5.1.1_9B206_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_6.0_10A403_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_6.0_10A403_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 (4): iPhone3,2_6.0_10A403_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_6.0_10A403_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 (4S): iPhone4,1_6.0_10A403_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_6.0_10A405_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_6.0_10A405_Restore.ipsw
6.0.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_6.0.1_10A523_Restore.ipsw
6.0.1 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_6.0.1_10A523_Restore.ipsw
6.0.1 (4): iPhone3,2_6.0.1_10A523_Restore.ipsw
6.0.1 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_6.0.1_10A523_Restore.ipsw
6.0.1 (4S): iPhone4,1_6.0.1_10A523_Restore.ipsw
6.0.1 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_6.0.1_10A525_Restore.ipsw
6.0.1 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_6.0.1_10A525_Restore.ipsw
6.0.2 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_6.0.2_10A551_Restore.ipsw
6.0.2 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_6.0.2_10A551_Restore.ipsw
6.1.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_6.1_10B141_Restore.ipsw
6.1.0 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_6.1_10B144_Restore.ipsw
6.1.0 (4): iPhone3,2_6.1_10B144_Restore.ipsw
6.1.0 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_6.1_10B141_Restore.ipsw
6.1.0 (4S): iPhone4,1_6.1_10B142_Restore.ipsw
6.1.0 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_6.1_10B143_Restore.ipsw
6.1.0 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_6.1_10B143_Restore.ipsw
6.1.1 (4S): iPhone4,1_6.1.1_10B145_Restore.ipsw
6.1.2 (3GS): iPhone2,1_6.1.2_10B146_Restore.ipsw
6.1.2 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_6.1.2_10B146_Restore.ipsw
6.1.2 (4): iPhone3,2_6.1.2_10B146_Restore.ipsw
6.1.2 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_6.1.2_10B146_Restore.ipsw
6.1.2 (4S): iPhone4,1_6.1.2_10B146_Restore.ipsw
6.1.2 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_6.1.2_10B146_Restore.ipsw
6.1.2 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_6.1.2_10B146_Restore.ipsw
6.1.3 (3GS): iPhone2,1_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw
6.1.3 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw
6.1.3 (4): iPhone3,2_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw
6.1.3 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw
6.1.3 (4S): iPhone4,1_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw
6.1.3 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw
6.1.3 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw
6.1.4 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_6.1.4_10B350_Restore.ipsw
6.1.4 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_6.1.4_10B350_Restore.ipsw
7.0.0 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_7.0_11A465_Restore.ipsw
7.0.0 (4 8GB): iPhone3,2_7.0_11A465_Restore.ipsw
7.0.0 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_7.0_11A465_Restore.ipsw
7.0.0 (4S): iPhone4,1_7.0_11A465_Restore.ipsw
7.0.0 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_7.0_11A465_Restore.ipsw
7.0.0 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_7.0_11A465_Restore.ipsw
7.0.1 (5c GSM): iPhone5,3_7.0.1_11A470a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.1 (5c GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,4_7.0.1_11A470a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.1 (5s GSM): iPhone6,1_7.0.1_11A470a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.1 (5s GSM+CDMA): iPhone6,2_7.0.1_11A470a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.2 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_7.0.2_11A501_Restore.ipsw
7.0.2 (4 8GB): iPhone3,2_7.0.2_11A501_Restore.ipsw
7.0.2 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_7.0.2_11A501_Restore.ipsw
7.0.2 (4S): iPhone4,1_7.0.2_11A501_Restore.ipsw
7.0.2 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_7.0.2_11A501_Restore.ipsw
7.0.2 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_7.0.2_11A501_Restore.ipsw
7.0.2 (5c GSM): iPhone5,3_7.0.2_11A501_Restore.ipsw
7.0.2 (5c GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,4_7.0.2_11A501_Restore.ipsw
7.0.2 (5s GSM): iPhone6,1_7.0.2_11A501_Restore.ipsw
7.0.2 (5s GSM+CDMA): iPhone6,2_7.0.2_11A501_Restore.ipsw
7.0.3 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_7.0.3_11B511_Restore.ipsw
7.0.3 (4 8GB): iPhone3,2_7.0.3_11B511_Restore.ipsw
7.0.3 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_7.0.3_11B511_Restore.ipsw
7.0.3 (4S): iPhone4,1_7.0.3_11B511_Restore.ipsw
7.0.3 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_7.0.3_11B511_Restore.ipsw
7.0.3 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_7.0.3_11B511_Restore.ipsw
7.0.3 (5c GSM): iPhone5,3_7.0.3_11B511_Restore.ipsw
7.0.3 (5c GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,4_7.0.3_11B511_Restore.ipsw
7.0.3 (5s GSM): iPhone6,1_7.0.3_11B511_Restore.ipsw
7.0.3 (5s GSM+CDMA): iPhone6,2_7.0.3_11B511_Restore.ipsw
7.0.4 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.4 (4 8GB): iPhone3,2_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.4 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.4 (4S): iPhone4,1_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.4 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.4 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.4 (5c GSM): iPhone5,3_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.4 (5c GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,4_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.4 (5s GSM): iPhone6,1_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
7.0.4 (5s GSM+CDMA): iPhone6,2_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional 5.6.1

Deleted file recovery

Deleting files by skipping your Recycle Bin or pressing 'Shift + Del'.
Files loss due to emptying Recycle Bin.
Format recovery

File recovery after accidental format, even if you have reinstalled Windows.
Disk displays as RAW or Windows asks you "Do you want to format this drive?".
Disk recovery after a hard disk or system crash.
Partition recovery

Accidentally deleted a partition.

Partition loss due to repartition, boot manager, etc.
Other data loss cases

Data loss due to turn off the storage media during the writing process.
"media card error": A Media Card has been inserted that contains errors.
Card Not Initialized or Card cannot be Read.
Memory card is locked, you cannot access it or open it.
"access denied", when SD card is corrupted.
Improper partition or partition error.
Virus attack or unexpected power failure.


Main Window


Deleted File Recovery

Complete Recovery

Partition Recovery

Scanning for Files

Select recovered files & folders

Download link - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Android USB Drivers: Samsung/ Motorola /Sony/ LG/ ZTE/ HTC/ ASUS/ Huawei/ Acer/ Amazo

USB Driver is a compulsory thing to be installed on you PC so that your mobile device can interact with your PC. These drivers help us to connect our phone to the computer and perform tasks like transferring data, syncing your device with a PC, using tools like Odin, Sony Flashtool and SuperOneClick, and rooting and flashing firmwares on your device. Almost every manufacturer provides USB drivers with the handset package. Here, we are providing the links to USB drivers for most Android device manufacturers like Samsung, LG, Sony, Google, HTC, Motorola, Dell, ZTE, etc.
Please note that the drivers provided below are compatible with almost all devices made by the respective brands. If the downloaded drivers do not work for you, visit the official site to download the specific USB drivers for your device.
Motorola USB Drivers

Download Motorola USB Drivers (Win)

Motorola USB Drivers (Latest)
Google USB Drivers

Download Google USB Drivers
Download Galaxy Nexus USB Drivers (GSM or CDMA-Verizon)
Universal ***** Driver 0.72 (Compatible with Nexus 4, 10, Q, & S)
Samsung USB Drivers

Download Latest Samsung Kies

Direct Link
Mirror Link
Download Samsung USB Drivers [older]
In case the above drivers do not work for you, do as described below.

  • Go to the Samsung Mobile official site
  • Type the name and model of your device in the search box.
  • Select your device and click the Support tab/button.
  • You will get the download link for the specific USB Drivers for your device.
  • Download the drivers and install onto to your computer.
HTC USB Drivers

HTC Sync Manager

Download HTC USB Drivers
Mirror Link
HTC Drivers (Compatible with Win 8)
Mirror to Download Directory
In case the above drivers do not work for you, do as described below:
  • Go to the HTC official site
  • Type the name and model of your device in the search box.
  • Select your device and click the Support tab/button.
  • In the support page, click the downloads tab.
  • Here you will get the download link for the specific HTC Sync Drivers for your device.
  • After downloading HTC Sync, start the installation process. You only need to install the USB driver and not the app itself.
Sony USB Drivers

Download Latest Sony USB Drivers from Official Site
Sony PC Companion
Sony Bridge for Mac

Download Sony ADB Flashtool Drivers
Mirror Link
LG USB Drivers

Download LG USB Drivers Mirror Link
In case the above drivers do not work for you, do as described below:
  • Go to the LG Electronics official site
  • Type the name and model of your device in the search box.
  • Select your device and click the Resources button.
  • In the support page, click the downloads tab.
  • Download the drivers and install onto to your computer.
Dell USB Drivers

Download Dell (Phones & Tablets) USB Drivers Go to the link and choose your mobile device or tablet to download the specific version USB drivers.
Intel Android USB Drivers

Download Intel USB Drivers

ZTE USB Drivers

Download ZTE USB Drivers
Mirror Link
ASUS USB Drivers

Download ASUS USB Drivers or
Download ASUS PC Suite (drivers included)
Download Nexus 7 USB Drivers
Huawei USB Drivers

Download Huawei USB Drivers or
Download HiSuite (drivers included).
Acer USB Drivers

Download Acer USB Drivers
Sharp USB Drivers

Download Sharp USB Drivers
Amazon USB Drivers

Download Amazon USB Drivers Amazon SupportPage
Pantech USB Drivers

Download Pantech USB Drivers

for M2,MI ONE,MI PLUS, etc.

Download XIAOMI USB Drivers
OPPO USB Drivers

for Finder x907,x905…

Download OPPO USB Drivers
Lenovo USB Drivers

for A750 and others

Download Lenovo USB Drivers

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Download Skype Final Full Version Free

Skype Final Download Skype Final Full Version Free

The calls have excellent sound quality and are highly secure with end-to-end encryption. You don’t even need to configure your firewall or router or any other networking gear.
Additionally it doesn’t just work on Windows. Skype is also for Mac OS X, Linux and PDAs using Pocket PC, with a native look and feel for each platform. Talking, sending instant messages or even file transfers work between different platforms like a charm. Skype is software for calling other people on their computers or phones. Download Skype and start calling for free all over the world.

Here are some key features of “Skype“:
· Make free calls to anyone else on Skype, anywhere in the world
· See who you are talking to with free video calls
· Chat with up to 100 people in group chats
· Conference call with up to four people for free
· Call ordinary phones with SkypeOut
· Superior sound quality
· Works with all firewall, NAT and routers ? nothing to configure!
· Friends list shows you when your Skype friends are online and ready to talk or chat
· Super-simple and easy to use
· Your calls are encrypted “end-to-end” in order to safeguard your privacy
· Based on cutting edge peer-to-peer technology developed by the creators of Kazaa and Joltid
· Windows XP required for video calls
· Internet connection (broadband is best, GPRS is not supported for voice calls, and results may vary on a satellite connection).
· Speakers and microphone – built-in or separate.
· A webcam, if you want to make video calls.
· We also recommend that you have at least 400 MHz processor, 128 MB RAM and 15 MB free disk space on your hard drive.

download icon Download Skype Final Full Version Free

Download Super Hide IP Full Version Free

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